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BEST Services provides consultation services for:

  • Health service providers
  • Educators of health service providers
  • Employers
  • Mothers / parents / families - not available currently
  • Child care services

Health service providers
BEST Services provides consultation services
at individual health facility, regional or national level including:
- Development of supportive policies and audit systems
- Assessment of practices and preparation for Baby-friendly assessment
- Planning, implementing and evaluating changes in services
- Design of breastfeeding programmes for staff and clients
Sourcing and development of educational materials for staff and clients
Research and surveys designed and conducted
- E
xternal review for in-house research

- Group and one-to-one sessions for mothers/parents:
antenatal, postnatal, going back to work, starting solids, and addressing challenges
Expert consultation on unusual situations related to breastfeeding
Contact Us to find out more about our services and to discuss your needs.

Educators of health service providers
BEST Services provides consultation services to universities, professional organisations and other educational bodies including:
- Review of curriculum and course content
- Provision of teaching and learning materials
- Assessment of competency
- Guest lectures
- Making your college mother-friendly for staff and students
Contact Us to find out more about our services and to discuss your needs.

BEST Services provides consultation services for employers in small businesses to large companies including:
- Information on why breastfeeding matters to an employer
- Implementation of 
legislation requiring breastfeeding support in the workplace
- Assessment of policies and supports for breastfeeding staff
- Discussion on workplace risks to breastfeeding
- Making your college mother-friendly for employees and customers
- Development of workplace breastfeeding support initiatives
- Individual or small group support to staff mothers to assist them with breastfeeding, before or after baby is born
Contact Us to find out more about our services and to discuss your needs.

Mothers / parents / families  - not available currently. Hopefully when vaccinations are available.
BEST Services provides one-to-one consultations and small group sessions to provide breastfeeding support tailored to stages:

What have you already heard about breastfeeding and questions that you may have
Review past breastfeeding experiences
Getting breastfeeding off to a good start in hospital and early days at home
attaching baby, feeding cues, is baby getting enough
How baby and breastfeeding fits in your life

 Early days:
Out and about with baby
Life as a mother/father/grandparent
Dealing with common concerns:
sleep, soreness, crying, weight, other people, expressing milk

 Continuing breastfeeding:
Breastfeeding and employment
Adding other foods, starting solids
Nursing the older baby: own feelings and those of others

 Individual support available for specific situations:
Preterm or ill baby in the hospital or when home
Long-term milk expression
Slow weight gain
On-going infant health issues
Maternal health issues

Child care services
BEST Services provides consultation services to home-based childminders or large childcare services including:
- Review of practices and development of policies to support breastfeeding
Providing Breastfeeding Friendly childcare services
Information on storing, handling and feeding mothers milk
Information session for staff on why breastfeeding matters and how to support it
- Marketing your breastfeeding support
- Implementing healthy eating in childcare services
Contact Us to find out more about our services and to discuss your needs.